Humility Of The Incarnate Christ.


The season of Advent reminds us once again of the measure of Christ’s love for humanity. Jesus is the very epitome of humility. He left His heavenly home to take human form and live among sinners. No wealthy Nursing Home for his birth but a smelly manger surrounded by lowing cattle. His first visitors were poor shepherds. He chose to be born of humble parents and was raised in poverty as a carpenter’s son.

            Jesus selected for his disciples rugged fishermen and thought nothing of associating himself with sinners and outcastes.

Despite being sinless, He submitted to baptism and even allowed Satan to tempt him.

            The Jews expected Jesus to act as a king and free them from Roman oppression. But He came riding on a lowly donkey, to be crowned with a circlet of thorns, mocked, beaten and crucified.

            Jesus humbled himself to such an extent that He was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. He set aside His deity to suffer ignominy for our salvation. He became flesh and called himself Son of Man, so that humans could become children of God through His blood that was shed on the cross.

            Jesus gives us insight into the heart of a loving God. He directs us to be humble. The beatitudes show us how to be humble (Mt 5:3-12.) He who humbles himself will be exalted and vice versa (Lk 18:14)

            As we look forward to the celebration of Christmas, let us mull over the humility of Jesus and “clothe ourselves with humility towards one another because God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.” (I Peter 5:5)

The incarnate Christ is God’s gift to us at Christmas. Though the world may not have much time for humility, let us as His children walk in humility to give God the glory.


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