Humility Of The Incarnate Christ.
The season of Advent reminds us once again of the measure of Christ’s love for humanity. Jesus is the very epitome of humility. He left His heavenly home to take human form and live among sinners. No wealthy Nursing Home for his birth but a smelly manger surrounded by lowing cattle. His first visitors […]
A Vision For A Better Tomorrow.
Some time ago I heard a hymn sung by a young man. It said, “Lord don’t move my mountain, but give me strength to climb it.” As we venture into the New Year we will be challenged by many mountains – disappointments, failures, losses, illness or betrayal. But there is joy in ‘striving, seeking […]
Celebrating Singleness
CELEBRATING SINGLENESS. Eva Bell. A woman’s identity and self worth are not dependant on marriage. Singlehood is an option of life. Some are in pursuit of a career and economic independence; some take vows of celibacy to dedicate their lives to God’s service; some have the responsibility of caring for old parents or […]
Firewall Your Family With Godliness.
FIREWALL YOUR FAMILY WITH GODLINESS. Families are building blocks of society, built on the scaffold of stable marriages. Unfortunately today, marriages even among Christians are on shaky ground. A judge of the High Court recently predicted that marriage will be totally abolished within 10-15 years, because the tolerance level of human beings has […]
Facing The Giant Corona Virus
FACING THE GIANT CORONA VIRUS. The giant stalking the world today is the Corona Virus. It has brought about the deaths of hundreds of people and infected millions of others. In their efforts to control the pandemic, countries have taken drastic steps of locking down areas, insisting on self quarantine and disrupting social […]
All human beings are emotional creatures. We react to external stimuli. Some emotions like love, romance and hope are edifying. Some like fear and suspicion are incapacitating. Still others like anger, greed and jealousy if uncontrolled, can make us less than human. Every person is born with a temperament. It influences everything we […]
Hindrances to Spiritual Growth.
Most young people today don’t consider it an honour to be known as Christians. Their brand identity – the logo of the Cross- is carefully concealed under a cloak of indifference, for fear of being negatively evaluated. To be religious is to be out of sync with the modern world. The goals of upward […]
Celebrating Singleness.
A woman’s identity and self worth are not dependant on marriage. Singlehood is an option of life. Some are in pursuit of a career and economic independence; some take vows of celibacy to dedicate their lives to God’s service; some have the responsibility of caring for old parents or young siblings. Chronic ill […]
Christian Family as a Witnessing and Serving Community.
Families have always been the building blocks of society. But the 21st century has seen a speedy unraveling of the nuptial knot, and as a consequence, the gradual disintegration of the basic unit – the family. In spite of the moral collapse around us, Christians need to recognize that “family” is a God-given heritage […]
Euthanasia And The Christian Ethic
The controversial debate on Euthanasia (Mercy Killing) is periodically revived by its proponents, who believe that death is the only dignified way out of a situation that is incurable and fraught with much pain and suffering. This subject has cropped up again because Pinky Virani, author of the book “Aruna’s Story” petitioned the Supreme Court […]
Is The World Forgetting What It Is To Be Human?
Each new day brings with it blood curdling stories of Man’s inhumanity to Man. Violence has become a way of life, wiping out millions of helpless and innocent people in all parts of the world. Terrorism in the name of God and religion is strangling the voices of sanity with its vicious tentacles. The animal […]
They dared to dream
The story of Karigiri. All of us dream. Dreams ‘that wave before the half shut eye,’ then vanish into nothingness, at the first streaks of dawn. But sometimes, dreams persistently recur and turn into reality, enriching the life of the dreamer, and significantly altering the lives of those around him. “SLRTC” is not some ingenious […]
The Insurance Policy
It was dark and quiet outside. The rest of the village was still asleep when Elsie woke up that morning. She had numerous chores to attend to before she could set off to town. Elsa was in her sixties – a tall, good-looking woman whose rural upbringing had given her an enviable physique. Her well-proportioned […]
From darkness to light
“ The people that walk in darkness have seen a great light………” Isaiah 9:2. Light is something that is inextricably bound up with Christmas. The twinkling lights on the Christmas tree, the Yule log, and the warm glow of candles, fill us with cheer even in the midst of our various problems. God has always […]
Peace in the World of Pain
SCRIPTURE VERSE. Psalm 18: 15, 16. Thou O Lord art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. O turn unto me and have mercy upon me; give Thy strength unto Thy servant. KJV. That morning I drove to the edge of the forest. It was miles away from […]
Music and the Christian
Music has always been an integral and inseparable part of Christian Worship. From early Biblical times, through the New Testament and down the centuries to the present, Man has expressed himself in song whether praising God, celebrating the greatness of His love, or expressing trust in Him. In fact, the Christian faith is a singing […]
In the name of God
“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, and cause it to give off a foul odour.” Similarly Osama bin Laden and his terrorist squads, have sullied the fair name of Islam. Except for the “lunatic fringe,” most Muslims including his own family are eager to dissociate themselves from the activities of this self-appointed leader of the […]
The God of all faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness! What do we understand by that? While our finite minds cannot comprehend everything about God, we know that Love and Faithfulness are the essence of His Being. They are the expression of God’s favor to His children. Ps 85:10,11 says “Love and Faithfulness meet together………..and Righteousness looks down from Heaven.” It […]
Gentleness of Christ
Then a Nigerian nurse appeared on the scene. She looked the man in his eye, and said something to him in a very soft voice.
Christmas – A Season Of Peace
The great epidemics of our age – Hatred, Violence, Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty – have made the promise of a ‘Better Tomorrow' bleak.