Let Justice Prevail
LET JUSTICE PREVAIL. Eva Bell. Vandan preened himself before the full length mirror. His snow white attire meticulously starched and ironed by his handyman, gave him the confidence he needed, to tackle problems in his constituency. “Don’t I look every inch a politician?” he smiled to himself. The State Assembly elections […]
Fire In My Lap.
The courtroom was packed to capacity. Most of the seats were occupied by noisy women activists who had come to gloat, hoping to see the rapist convicted for life if not hanged. The Media was there in full force, cameras poised and ready. But there were only a handful of friends and well wishers of […]
Vandan preened himself before the full length mirror. His snow white attire meticulously starched and ironed by his handyman, gave him the confidence he needed, to tackle problems in his constituency. “Don’t I look every inch a politician?” he smiled to himself. The State Assembly elections were soon to take place. The […]
Danny’s hat sat rakishly on his head, his moustache and dark glasses made him confident in his new identity. He had a job in a Club, as Maintenance Supervisor. He had put the shameful episode of his past behind him. Danny’s romance with the bottle had been his downfall. Irritated by his wife’s nagging, […]
The Show Must Go On.
Unni was back in his village after a lapse of five years. It was not a happy occasion that brought him here. Being the only son, he had to perform the last rites for his mother. As he lit the pyre, the dancing golden yellow flames sent him into a reverie. “I wonder if Mother […]
Off With The Fetters.
In the stillness of the night, the incessant ringing of the telephone, sounded like the shrill cry of a banshee. Mina pulled the coverlet over her face. “ To hell with the phone,” she muttered, then turned over and fell into a deep sleep. But the phone kept on ringing. It was persistent enough to […]
The Last Human Freedom.
“ The last human freedom is to be able to choose one’s attitude to any given set of circumstances.” Dr. Vicktor Frankl. Leena lay asleep at last, the tears still glistening on her eyelashes. She had spent the better part of the night at her window, looking across to the house of Dr. Pankajam. The […]
The Irony Of Life.
They were young and very much in love. Two lovely people from different parts of the country, knit together over the years, by a long epistolary bond that could have claimed a mention in the Guinness Book of Records. Arvind was a ship’s engineer. He had sailed the high seas for well over a decade. […]
Sculptor’s Model.
“I’ll take it,” said Ryan to the astonished owner. “I’d like to move in within a week.” It was an old dilapidated bungalow, the rafters rotten, the plaster peeling. But it had an air of seclusion about it, which was essential for Ryan’s work. With people around him, it was difficult to concentrate. So he […]
Maya’s Nightmare
At the High-Tech hospital in Dadar, there was an uproar. Maya the daughter-in-law of the rich and influential Mandakini Rao, had disappeared. “Did anyone see her leave?” asked the visibly agitated Dr. Jyothi, “And she’s taken her file along? Who was responsible for this serious lapse?” The junior doctor blanched. “I wanted to do her […]
Winter Of Despair
Mina trudged up the slope to her usual haunt on the hill. The old rusty bench under the jacaranda tree had become her own. The green expanse of trees around, gave her the perfect solitude she loved. No one ever came this way. Except for the twittering of birds in the trees, there was a […]
To Hell And Back.
I always thought that Hell was a burning inferno in some nether world, where sinners roast eternally on a spit, having no reprieve through one-time annihilation, and no possibility of escape. But I was promised Heaven on earth, and though at first I was wary, the thought of enjoying happiness and wealth sans effort, blinded […]
Thief With A heart.
Shiv had been standing in the shadows for over an hour. For the past week, he had haunted this area, taking in every single detail of the lay-out. Sheer desperation had finally given him the courage to put his plans into action. “It’s either this or starvation,” he thought, “And tomorrow the land-lady has threatened […]
If I Only Knew.
I drove down that road, on my way back and forth to work, several times a day. She was always there come rain or sunshine, flaunting her bewitching smile at passers by, beckoning to potential customers to come buy her flowers. I don’t know why it irritated me so much to see her cheerful. “What […]
A Time To Mend.
They lay side by side, on the enormous bed. He was curled up in the fetal position, softly snoring beside her. The marital ritual was over. The last two years had seen them grow apart, each silently brooding over their fears and frustrations, unable to communicate, and reluctant to discuss the widening fracture of their […]
Woodsmoke At Twilight,
When Julian Nokrek entered the auditorium that evening, the entire audience went wild with excitement. The clapping didn’t stop for a good five minutes. He was not yet very comfortable either with his new role of Finance Minister, nor with the two security men who followed him like his shadow. “ Quite a handsome guy” […]
Woman In White.
The woman in white stood before the shrine of her favourite God, the pot-bellied, lovable figure with the elephant head. He seemed to beckon with his four arms saying “ Make haste with your offerings, dear lady. Don’t you know I have an insatiable appetite for fruits and sweets?” This was a daily ritual, ever […]
Nymph From The Wilds.
Andrew Greaves was the new Manager of the Nalabari Tea Estates in Assam . He was in the grips of a cultural shock. “Not all the stack of books I’ve read over the months, could have prepared me for this primitive country. Jungles, tea-gardens, and hideous -looking tribals – This Assam!” “Stop grumbling Man,“ said […]
I Want To Hold Your Hand.
Helena preened herself before the mirror. Her starched white uniform crackled as she tightened her belt. She adjusted her cap for the umpteenth time. “Hmm,” she said, “Not bad at all.” Helena was now a staff nurse. She topped her class with distinction. She knew how much her parents had sacrificed to let her complete […]
Child Of My Dreams.
The little bundle of joy lay deeply asleep, wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket. Her mother cuddled her in a protective embrace. She smiled when Laila ran a finger over her smooth cheek, oblivious of the threat to her security. Laila hugged her daughter. “You’re my dream come true, my darling,” she whispered. “How can […]
Capers In Cyberspace.
The face that stared back at me from the mirror had very little resemblance to the man who had fled his hometown in disgrace three years ago. A different hair style, a thick moustache, horn rimmed glasses, and an acquired manner of speech had given me a quiet dignity and poise that demanded respect. I […]
Band-aid For A Broken Heart.
He was there for the third day in succession, peering through the iron bars of her gate. She couldn’t ignore him any more. She’d have to chase him away. “Hey you there,” she shouted, “Don’t expect anything from me. Get off with you.” “I’m not a beggar, Ma’am,” the boy answered, straightening out to his […]
The Red Rose.
Julia smiled when she saw a red rose stuck in her latch. “Who would have thought of sending me a rose on Valentine’s Day?” she wondered. “I’ve been such an unlovable person these last three years that people actually shun me.” Julia was once a charming young woman much sought after in social circles. Her […]
The Plucky Goldsmith.
On a hot summer’s day, a goldsmith was travelling from his village, to a neighbouring town. He had to cross a stream. At this time of the year, the water wasn’t deep, so the goldsmith hitched up his mundu , and stepped into the water. As he did so, he saw a tiger upstream. It […]